
Suppliers of wheatgrass and grains

Source information for purchase of wheat for making wheatgrass juice, and grains suitable to be milled into flour, also wheatgrass trays, in Australia: Suppliers of wheatgrass and grains.

Many health food shops sell wheat for making wheatgrass, sometimes in kit form, other sources listed as per below.
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 NSW LIstings:

Organic wheat in Sydney for making wheatgrass and wheatgrass in trays:
Bondi Wheatgrass Juice Company 1 Dacre Street, Malabar, NSW 2036 – Ph 02-9694 1100

QUEENSLAND listings: 

Natural grains in Queensland: R.J & R.K Curtis, “The Oaks”, Mail Service 720, Millmerran, Qld., 4357Grown on heavily mineralised soil, normally includes wheat, rye, linseed, fenugreek, buckwheat, all certified organic, and sells in small quantities like 5kg, will send anywhere in Australia.  Excellent service Ph. 07- 4695 6120, Fax 07- 4695 6107   e-mail: web site:  Sadly we note that the whole crop was lost due to the flooding/drought in 2015, but now in 2017 they have: new crop of wheat Red and Gala varieties, Mungbeans, Linseed and Fenugreek now in stock, 5 to 25 KG bags.

Wheatgrass in Queensland: Wheatgrass Noosa from Jan Struthers (grown in well mineralised soil)
Trays $13 each, no delivery, pick up only, uses only certified organic ingredients. Phone 0407 016 095

VICTORIA Listings:

500 Lygon Street, Brunswick East, Victoria 3057, Telephone: (03) 9939 7301
Grains for milling and wheatgrass grain, mills, self-sufficiency, food production, preserving, permaculture, local food, slow food

W.A. Listings:

Organic wheat in W.A.:   Eden Valley Bio-Dynamic Farm, PO Box 52 Dumbleyung  6350 W.A. Ph. 08- 98634063
S.A. Listings

Four Leaf Milling in S.A. began processing in 1968 specialising in Organic and Biodynamic grains.
Near Bond Street and Main North Road, Tarlee, S.A. Australia, 5411 –  Phone: 08) 8528 5330