
Wheatgrass Juice


A virtual epidemic of chronic degenerative disease is afflicting the western world: from cancer to heart disease; from arthritis to schizophrenia; from diabetes to the common cold. These diseases and so many more, increasingly subjugate a people attuned more to affording sickness than enjoying the natural state of health which is our birthright. The statistics for cancer, for example, are starkly and devastatingly illustrative of the extent to which our well-being is threatened. The information below was already valid for the 1980’s in the U.S.A.

  • “Last year over 405,000 Americans died from cancer.”
  • “Almost 56 million Americans now living will eventually have cancer.”
  • “In 1980, about 708,000 people we diagnosed as having cancer.”
  • “Cancer kills more children age three to four than any other disease.”
  • “The overall incidence of cancer has increased between 5% and 10% since 1970.”

(Excerpted from “Cancer Facts and Figures:1980,” The American Cancer Society, Inc., 777 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017)

A meaningless litany of mere statistics?
The real costs of cancer, in terms of human fear, hopelessness and death which have left no family unscathed, suggest not.

Astounding success in the reversal of chronic degenerative diseases has been experienced through the application of a vegetarian diet of living foods consisting of wheat grass juice, immature greens, sprouts, fruit, vegetables, and sprouted and/or fermented seeds, nuts and grains.
The use of 70% chlorophyll extract of seven day old wheat grass is central to the rejuvenation process and the reversal of disease.
The effects of this wheat grass juice on the diseased organism are two-fold: first it provides an optimal nutritional environment for the healing process; and second, it catalyses a detoxification process which increases the elimination of accumulated internal waste which causes disease by autointoxication. Let us examine more closely each of these two processes.

Scientific analysis has demonstrated that grass grown from wheat is a perfectly complete food in itself, capable of sustaining life in a healthy way.
Dr. G.H Earp Thomas, a soil expert at the Bloomfield Laboratories in Massachusetts, isolated over 100 elements, including all the known minerals, from wheat grass juice.
His calculations indicate that 15lbs of fresh wheat grass is equivalent in nutritional value to 350lbs of choicest vegetables. Studies have shown that wheat grass is an excellent source of vitamins A, B, C, E and K, as well as calcium, chlorine, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulphur, cobalt and zinc. Further, the chemical structure of the chlorophyll molecule in wheat grass reveals that it is remarkably adapted to utilisation of the human blood stream, by virtue of its similarity to the hemin molecule of haemoglobin. (Haemoglobin is one of the major components of our blood.) These two molecules are essentially identical with the exception of the central atom which is magnesium in the case of chlorophyll and iron in the case of hemin. Thus we can see that within the context of this optimal and easily assimilated and utilised nourishment, the human body has the fundamental components with which to eliminate disease and regenerate itself.

This healing process occurs as the therapeutic chlorophyll in wheat grass juice catalyses the elimination of the stored toxins which cause disease.
These toxins are present in the ailing organism in the form of hardened mucous, crystallised acids, fatty deposits, calcifications and solidified, decaying fecal matter. As these toxins are eliminated, the body is cleansed and brought back to its natural state of health. Wheat grass juice has a very high enzyme content which helps to dissolve tumours.
Imagine the astonished rejoicings of persons labelled “terminal” who watch visible tumours disintegrate and disappear before their very eyes.

The following data on the nutrients contained by the first joint wheat grass juice (7-10″ tall) is taken from a report Dr. C.F. Schnabel made to the American Chemical Society.

NUTRIENT MILLIGRAMS PER POUND (453.59G) found in wheatgrass juice

  • Chlorophyll 5,000 mg
  • Choline 4,000 mg
  • Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 2,000 mg
  • Vitamin A (carotene) 360 mg
  • Vitamin E 120 mg
  • Vitamin F 120 mg
  • Vitamin K 120 mg
  • Niacin (B group vit) 120 mg
  • Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) 24 mg
  • Vitamin B1 (thiamine) 12 mg
  • Pantothenic acid (B group vit) 8 mg
  • Vitamin B6 4 mg

It may seem that wheat grass contains relatively small amounts of the B vitamins, but in actuality the amounts compare favourably with latest research on vitamin B needs as compared to C and A. All in all, wheat grass juice is a potent food/medicine that has many uses.


Vegetarianism, has many social and moral implications. The food crises need not be. Written on an Egyptian tomb in about the year 3000BC was “Man lives on one fourth the food he eats and the doctors on the other three fourths”. The body efficiency rate is 18% to 22%. By that is meant that 18-22% of the food we eat is used to build the body. The other 78-82% is used by the body to digest and transport food to the vital body tissues. If we eat meat, which is difficult to digest, the efficiency rate drops, plus we are not receiving the best form of protein. Hormones to fatten animals, uric acid and excessive cholesterol (saturated fats) aren’t found in vegetable proteins. so the body efficiency rate drops even more. Perhaps now it is 8-12%. If we eat junk foods devoid of most nutritional elements, our body efficiency rate may enter into the negative factor, meaning that our bodies are actually expending more energy to rid itself of the foreign elements than it is taking in. The result is we eat more food of less nutritional value. Why not reverse that the vegetarian way, but only if it feels right for you.

While it does not mean that we all must become vegetarians to become healthy, it does mean that reducing meat intake and increasing intake of raw fruits, vegetables and wheatgrass juice, will dramatically improve our health.

Taking these in the form of juices, makes it much easier for the body to assimilate them, in fact they enter the blood stream within 15 minutes, while solid food is subject to the ability of the digestive juices to break down the food and extract the nutrients, which also takes hours and requires energy from the body to do so. 
Why not a little daily prayer? 


Our green juice, which art in wheatgrass, and other leafy greens, Hallowed be thy name.
Your Kingdom come; You will be drunk on earth, then we’ll be in Heaven.
Give us this day our daily nutrients, and forgive us for eating unholy foods and drinks, as we forgive those who sell it to us.
Lead us into detoxification, but deliver us from undernourishment,
for thine is the Life, the flavour, and the goodness, for ever and ever.
