

ENZYMES – “THE FIRE IN THE BOILER” – Extract from – Food Enzymes by Humbart Santillo

Three years ago, Viktoras Kulvinskas, author of Survival into the 21st century, sent me a book written by Dr. Edward
Howell called, Food Enzymes for Health and Longevity. This book explained to me why some therapies work
and why some don’t – because of enzymes. Enzymes are needed for every chemical reaction in the body.
Our organs, tissues, and cells are all run by metabolic enzymes.
Minerals, vitamins, and hormones need enzymes to be present in order to do their work properly.
Enzymes are the labour force of the body.

Dr Howell states that, “Enzymes are a true yardstick of vitality, enzymes offer an important means of calculating the
vital energy of an organism, that which we call energy, vital force, nerve energy, and strength, may be synonymous
with enzyme activity.”

Our logic tells us that the build up and the breakdown of tissues is performed by enzymes.
In other words, our metabolism is maintained by enzyme activity. When our enzyme level s lowered, our metabolism is
lowered, and so is our energy level. Do not misunderstand this statement. We are not saying that the source of life is
enzymes, but that there is a correlation between enzyme levels and the youth of the tissues of an organism and its
energy levels.

The increased amount of enzymes is why younger persons can tolerate a diet of white bread, starches and
predominately cooked food. However, as our enzyme reserves are depleted over the years, these same foods
can cause illnesses such as constipation, blood diseases, bleeding ulcers, bloating and arthritis.
In older individuals, the enzyme content of the body has been depleted and these kinds of foods are not properly
digested. They ferment in the digestive tract, producing toxins that are absorbed into the blood and deposited in the
joints and other soft-tissue areas

A “chronic disease” is a disease that has lingered in the body for many weeks, months, or sometimes years.
It has been a constant drag on the body, depleting it of its enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and trace minerals.
During chronic disease processes, there is usually a low body reserve of enzymes.

There is a definite correlation between the amount of enzymes an individual possesses and the amount of
energy they have. Increasing age causes a slow decrease in enzyme reserve.
When the enzyme level becomes so low that the metabolism suffers, death will finally result.

Any time the metabolism is falsely stimulated by coffee, a high protein diet, or other stimulants, the metabolism
increases, enzymes are used up, a false energy output is experienced, and the individual feels a sense of well
being. However, the end result will be lower energy, a more rapid burnout of enzymes, and premature old age.

It is important to remember that aging corresponds to diminishing enzyme levels.
An experiment on rats, found that enzyme activities in the tissues became weaker as the rats became older.

The importance of enzymes cannot be over emphasised. If the lack of enzymes can cause disease, then
adding enzymes to the diet, either by supplementation or by eating proper food, will help prevent disease.
Adding enzymes to one’s diet is the logical thing to do when we consider that enzymes are used up daily.

Enzymes are essential in the digestion of food and the release of nutrients into the body.
Enzymes are present in the blood, muscles, tissues, and organs and are involved in every metabolic function.

Nothing can happen without enzymes. Without enzymes, nutrients cannot be used properly in the body and
proteins cannot be digested. this can result in bloating, fatigue, stiffness and hardening of the arteries.
Undigested fats thicken the blood, causing insufficient utilization of oxygen and cholesterol. The consequences
of the lack of enzymes is innumerable, but the point to recognise is that enzymes can be a missing link in good nutrition.

A person who exercises regularly is concerned about getting and staying in shape.
Strength and endurance are the goals of such individuals.
How then can anyone achieve endurance if his blood cells are not getting proper nutrients?

Nutrients may be present in the foods you eat, but the workforce of the body is enzymes.
This is why most vitamins are called “coenzymes.” This means that they must combine with enzymes before the body
can use them.

Over-nutrition and under-absorption result in a low energy system. People often believe that they don’t recover from
exercise readily enough because they either overdid it or didn’t do enough, the problem may actually be that the
engines are congested with unusable fuel.

The more enzymes you take in through eating a good quantity of raw foods and supplementing your diet with enzymes,
the more energy you will have. It has been said that half the amount of body energy is spent digesting food.
If exogenous enzymes (enzymes taken trough raw food or through supplementation) are added to the diet daily,
more nutrients will be available and less food will be needed, resulting in less digestive stress and waste elimination.
This is called “energy conservation.” The athlete will be able to work out more often and with greater intensity, and will
require less recovery time.

During all acute and chronic illnesses, enzymes are used up more rapidly than is normal.
If one is sick or trying to recover either from an acute or a chronic disease, taking enzyme supplements would be beneficial.
People with hypoglycemia, endocrine gland deficiencies, obesity, anorexia nervosa and stress-related problems, could all benefit from enzyme supplementation.

The conclusion from this article by Humbart Santillo, is of cause, “get into juicing”!
And buy one of the best books you will ever get hold of.

NOTE: Enzymes represents vitality or life force, and put in ORP terms, a reading in the minus range, using a simple ORP meter!