The wheat kernel, broken down and analysed is found to consist of three parts.
1.Bran, or outer covering, made up of layers of rich in many vitamins and minerals as well as high-quality protein.
2.Germ, or embryo, from which springs new life. The wheat germ is one of the richest known sources of B and E vitamins and contains protein, fat and mineral matter. The germ and bran contain organic phosphates, which provide brain and nerve food. Calcium for bone and teeth is also supplied from these parts of the kernel.
3.Endosperm, the inner part of the wheat kernel, where the cellulose, starch and gluten are abundant, but very little vitamin and mineral substance is present. White flour is principally made from the endosperm.
In white flour, about one-half of the fat is lost.
The fat from a wheat kernel has a high food value, since it also contains unsaturated fatty acids.
Some reports now claim that due to GM modification of the wheat grain, it now contains 60% gluten compared to the original 20% which explains why more and more are milling grains like spelt and the many others to avoid allergies.
Quinoa is a grain that many are now using as well, as it is a good source of nutrition.
It is clear that consumption of the balanced, complete kernel is necessary in order to recieve the full value from wheat, especially ‘trace elements’ so essential to human nutrition. On the trace elements there is still much to be learned.